"God helps those who helps themselves," is not in the bible. It has often rubbed me the wrong way and produced a "works" mentality that has resulted in frustration, feelings of lack, and second-guessing what I KNOW God told me to do.
Do we need to put forth an effort to accomplish deeper faith, life goals, and the like? Yes. Do we need to take steps and take initiative and responsibility for our lives? Of course? But it's a partnership with God. God doesn't help us after we change or after we do. He is the change within us and He is the orchestrator of the do.
I was hearing God and then trying to make it happen based on my understanding. As if God didn't have ALL the answers or I needed to work hard then go back to Him like see? I'm matured to know that God needs and desires to be in each step, breath, thought, etc. and will sway a decision at the last minute. My full charged all steam ahead approach was having me miss some of those important swift shifts the Holy Spirit may prompt you to make or those small tweaks that make all the difference.
Partnering with God feels so good. It's His gift, His plan, and talent He gave me and knows how to get the max return on. He will never leave or forsake us. He will supply every need. He is not sitting back waiting for me, he is directing He is the help.
Those who trust in themselves are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe. (Proverbs 28:26)
In this time especially, I'm leaning in extra close to God. I'm so excited to partner with Him for every step of my journey. I'm grateful that I have a BRILLIANT God I can depend on and confer with! Confidence in His plan, priceless
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